Не бойся боли-ее не будет. Не бойся ночи-за нею свет. Однажды кто-то т Vertaling - Не бойся боли-ее не будет. Не бойся ночи-за нею свет. Однажды кто-то т Engels hoe om te zeggen

Не бойся боли-ее не будет. Не бойся

Не бойся боли-ее не будет.
Не бойся ночи-за нею свет.
Однажды кто-то тебя разбудит
И ты увидишь, что страха нет.

Что жизнь прекрасна и разноцветна
И скоро лето и ты живой.
Рассвет подходит и незаметно
Растает утром кошмар ночной.

И поскорее из дома выйдешь
В горячий воздух другого дня.
Кого-то встретишь, меня увидишь,
А ,впрочем, может и не меня.

И будет радость и будет вечер
И загорится на кухне свет.
И выйдет утро тебе навстречу
И ты увидишь, что боли-нет.
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Resultaten (Engels) 1: [Kopiëren]
Do not be afraid of the pain, it will not.
Do not be afraid for her night-light.
One day someone will wake you
And you will see that there is no fear.

What life is beautiful and colorful
And soon the summer and you're alive. Dawn

fit and quietlyMelted in the morning nightmare night.

And quickly get out of the house
In the hot air the other day.
Meet someone, I'll see
A, however, may not be me.

And it will be fun and will be an evening
And the lights on the kitchen light.
And the morning will come to meet you
And you will see that the pain is not.
Wordt vertaald, even geduld aub..
Resultaten (Engels) 2:[Kopiëren]
Don't be afraid of the pain-it will not.
Don't be afraid of the night because of her light.
Once someone you will wake the
and you will see that there is no fear.

That life is beautiful and raznocvetna
and soon the summer and you live.
Dawn approaches and invisibly
Melted in the morning nightmare night.

And soon you'll Home hot air
another day someone you meet, I see
and, indeed, may not me.

and will be a joy and an evening in the kitchen and light
And out morning TEBE navstrechu
and you will see that the pain is not.
Wordt vertaald, even geduld aub..
Resultaten (Engels) 3:[Kopiëren]
Fear not pain, it will not be.
Fear not nights-for its light.
Once someone you wake
and Moses went out, and that there is no fear. Lord that life is beautiful and разноцветна
and soon summer and you live.
Dawn is suitable and unobtrusively
Melt this morning nightmare night. Lord and get them done as quickly as possible from home emptier
in the hot air another day.
someone broadcast, i see,
as well ,and could not me.lord and will be happy and will be evening
and the lights in the kitchen light.
And exits morning you toward
and Moses went out, and the pain.
Wordt vertaald, even geduld aub..
Andere talen
De vertaling gereedschap steun: Afrikaans, Albanees, Amharisch, Arabisch, Armeens, Azerbeidzjaans, Baskisch, Bengaals, Birmaans, Bosnisch, Bulgaars, Catalaans, Cebuano, Chichewa, Chinees, Corsicaans, Deens, Duits, Engels, Esperanto, Ests, Fins, Frans, Fries, Galicisch, Georgisch, Grieks, Gujarati, Hausa, Hawaïaans, Haïtiaans Creools, Hebreeuws, Hindi, Hmong, Hongaars, IJslands, Iers, Igbo, Indonesisch, Italiaans, Japans, Javaans, Jiddisch, Kannada, Kazachs, Khmer, Kinyarwanda, Kirgizisch, Klingon, Koerdisch, Koreaans, Kroatisch, Lao, Latijn, Lets, Litouws, Luxemburgs, Macedonisch, Malagasi, Malayalam, Maleis, Maltees, Maori, Marathi, Mongools, Nederlands, Nepalees, Noors, Odia (Oriya), Oeigoers, Oekraïens, Oezbeeks, Pashto, Perzisch, Pools, Portugees, Punjabi, Roemeens, Russisch, Samoaans, Schots Keltisch, Servisch, Sesotho, Shona, Sindhi, Sinhala, Slovaaks, Sloveens, Soendanees, Somalisch, Spaans, Swahili, Taal herkennen, Tadzjieks, Tagalog, Tamil, Tataars, Telugu, Thai, Traditioneel Chinees, Tsjechisch, Turkmeens, Turks, Urdu, Vietnamees, Wels, Wit-Russisch, Xhosa, Yoruba, Zoeloe, Zweeds, taal vertalen.

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